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Water treatment plants, transmission and distribution mains

Name of Project and brief description of Services Provided Name of Client and Regional Experience / Country Activities Performed
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design and Environmental Impact Assessment of piped Water Supply and Sanitation System in selected 30no. Rural Growth Centres Across the Country. Min Of Water & Environment, Directorate of Water Development / World Bank

Country : Uganda

Undertake detailed design of five (5) Rural Growth Centres in the Districts of Kagadi, Kakumiro and Mubende and produce detailed bills of quantities, design reports, drawings and tender documents.
Consultancy Services for Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design of four Valley Tanks in the Districts of Masindi, Nakasongola, Pader and Adjumani. Min Of Water & Environment, Water for Production Regional Centre – North

Country : Uganda

Undertake detailed design of four (4) Valley Tanks for the four (4) districts of Adjumani, Nakasongola, Masind and Pader and produce detailed bills of quantities, design reports, drawings and tender documents.

Carrying out Hydrological Analysis, Water Demand Assessment, Topographical Survey, Geotechnical Investigation, Environmental Impact assessment and Social Economic and Cultural Assessment.

Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems for the Greater Bugadde Project Area Min Of Water & Environment, Directorate of Water Development

Country : Uganda

Determination of the appropriate, feasible and financially/economically viable water supply system capable of meeting the future 25 year water demand.

Assess the feasibility of removing Mayuge town from Jinja-Iganga supply and incorporating it into the Greater Bugadde supply area

Assessment of the capacity of the DN300 Jinja – Iganga pipeline (without Mayuge) to meet the water demands of the en-route RGCs along the Jinja – Iganga highway and beyond that can be sustainably supplied

Assessment of additional possibilities available with the Jinja – Iganga pipeline to include:
i. Supplying Greater Bugadde area from the Jinja NWSC water system
ii. Expansion of proposed Greater Bugadde water system to include Mayuge, Iganga and Kaliro as separate from Jinja system.

Assess the current sanitation needs and design human excreta disposal, faucal sludge management, and solid waste management systems of the project area.

Carrying out Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the impacts of the designed water supply and sanitation interventions and appropriate mitigation measures, watershed and catchment protection.

Preparation of tender documents for construction of the civil works.

Consultancy Services for Conducting Condition Assessment of Water for Production Facilities in the Districts of Kiruhura, Rakai, Ntungamo and Lyantonde Min Of Water & Environment, Water for Production Regional Centre – West

Country : Uganda

Condition Assessment of 23No Valley tanks and 50No Dams with capacity greater than 30,000 cubic meters for the tanks Water for Production Valley Tanks above capacity 10,000m3 and Valley Dams all totaling No 40
Consultancy Services for Conducting Feasibility Study, Design and Bid Documentation of Highway Public Sanitation and Hygiene Facilities Min Of Water & Environment, Directorate of Water Development

Country : Uganda

Conducting of feasibility study and detailed design of Public Sanitation Facilities along five major High ways in Uganda to improve and provide for the travelers along the selected high ways.

  • Engage the different stakeholders to assess the status of existing highway sanitation options, agree on the standards in terms of designs, operations and maintenance practices
  • Review the state and management of existing facilities
  • Liaise with the Ministry of Works and Transport and UNRA, Ministry of Health and review existing Policy and Legal Framework on Highway Sanitation in the entire transport sector.
  • In consultation with stakeholders identified above, select suitable sites for construction of facilities along selected highways.
  • Review the existing solid waste management options among travelers.
  • Identify appropriate sanitation and hygiene technological options for safe disposal of human excreta and solid waste along selected highways.
  • Design; develop drawings and technical specifications for the preferred options.
  • Prepare Tender Documents for the different technological options/ designs
Consultancy services for Engineering supervision of construction works for Nyarwodho phase II and Orom Phase I Min Of Water & Environment / African Development Bank

Country : Uganda

Water Supply
Construction supervision of 6,300m3/day Water Treatment plant, 1.9Km OD 200mm Raw water Main, 40.8Km OD 250 – 90 Transmission Main and 80.9Km OD 250 – 110mm Distribution main for Nyarwodho and Construction of a pumping station at locations in Agago District, Pader and Kitgum District, for Orom. Supply and laying of 57 km pumping main from the different pump stations to the respective reservoirs Construction Supervision of 20 elevated hot pressed steel sectional panel storage tank I the respective supply service areas Supply and laying of 300Km distribution mains
750 consumer connectionsSanitation
Construction supervision of 10No 6 stance Public waterborne toilet facilities. Construction Supervision of 22No 5 stance VIP School toilets for boys. Construction supervision of 22No 5 stance VIP toilets including incinerators for girls Construction supervision of 22No 4 stance VIP toilets for the school staff.Procure 1No Cesspool emptier for the project area
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design and Project Management of Water for Production facilities (WFP) under the Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (WSSP). Government of Uganda / National Water and Sewerage Corporation
Funded by African Development Bank.

Country : Uganda

Design of a sewer net work – Consultant in charge of Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Civil Engineering works for the sewer connection system for Kampala
Kampala Water – Lake Victoria WATSAN Project Package 4B – Drinking Water Treatment Plant: Consultancy Services for the preparation of Function Design, Tendering and Construction Supervision of the Proposed Drinking Water Treatment Plant at Nsumba Pumping Main and Reservoir Government of Uganda / National Water and Sewarage Corporation
Funded by KFW, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Agency Franciaise de Development (AFD)

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of 10.2 Kms of 1200 DN Transmission Main Pipe line route from the water treatment plant site at Katosi to the reservoir at Nsumba Hill in Kasakombe Forest Reserve

Fixed project components

  • Off shore pipeline and lake water intake for 255,000 m3/d (raw water, including internal water losses for water treatment) Approx. length: 500 m, pipe diameter: 1,500 mm, depth: max 11 m.
  • Raw water pumping station for 85,000 m3/d (raw water including water losses in the water treatment plant) Total head approx 45 m.
  • Water treatment plant for 80,000 m3/d (net water production)
  • Slugde treatment (4% DS after thickening, 25% DS after dewatering/drying)
    Treatment water pumping station for 80,000. M3/d (net water production) and total pumping head of estimated 155m.
  • Pump transmission main, pressure class PN 25 diameter 1,200mm and length 11 Km to Nsumba intermediate reservoir.
  • 6No intermediate reservoir on top of Nsumba hill: initial tank capacity 10,000 m3, round shapped.
  • Water shed and catchment protection
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design and project Management of Water for Production Facilities (WFP) Under The Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Min Of Water & Environment, Directorate of Water Development, water for Production Department / Global Climate Change Alliance / FAO

Country : Uganda

Feasibility study, Detailed Design and Tender Documentation for 15 No Valley Tanks capacity 10,000 cubic meters with a solar powered abstraction system in the districts of Nakasongola, Kiboga, Nakaseke, Luwero, Mubende and Sembabule
Consultancy Services for Design of Buwoya and Buboko water supply system in Namayingo District Min of Water & Environment Rural Water & Sanitation Department

Country : Uganda

Feasibility study and Engineering Design of 5.2Km OD 110 – 50mm transmission Main and 10.8Km OD 90 – 50mm Distribution Main. Source of Water 3No boreholes 10.9/8/3m3/hr.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Consultancy Services To Undertake Feasibility Study and Detailed Designs for Improvement Measures in Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Services in Amuria Town Council National Water &Sewerage Corporation/Water Aid Uganda

Country : Uganda

Engineering Topographic Survey of 7.6 Km OD 200mm Gravity Main and 17.2Km OD 160 – 50mm Distribution Main. Water Source NWSC system at Dokolo
Consultancy Services for Feasibility study and Detailed Engineering Design of Water Supply Systems in Selected Towns of Buyaga & Bulambuli Min of Water and Environment / European Union / German Cooperation Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Eastern Branch\

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design 2,300m3/day water Treatment Plant, 0.28Km DN 150mm Raw Water Main and 39.6Km OD 250 – 40mm Distribution Main. Water Source: River Sisiyi
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Consultancy Services for Detailed Design and Reconstruction Supervision of Mabira Dam in Mbarara District Min Of Water & Environment, Directorate of Water Development, Water for Production Department

Country : Uganda

Engineering design and Topographic Survey of 38.032 hectares of area covered by the dam, Perimeter of the dam 3.181 Km
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Consultancy Services for the” Kampala Water – Lake Victoria WATSAN Project” Package 1 & 3.

Upgrading of raw water pumping main from new water pumps to the rapid chambers including rearrangement of the inlet pipes.

Undertake investigations in the Ggaba III water Treatment Plant, focusing on pre- treatment, backwashing, optimization of chemical usage, and sludge handling.

Min of Water and Environment National Water & Sewerage Corporation/ KFW/ European Investment Bank/ Agence France de development

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 24 Km 600DN Raw water pumping mains for the improvement of water supply to the Namasuba Reservoir
Construction Supervision of Town Water Supply Systems under Lot 3: Bweyale Town Water Supply System Directorate of Water Development, Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central / African Development Bank

Country : Uganda

Construction Supervision and Engineering Design review of 3.52 Km OD 110 – 50mm Transmission Main and 15 Km OD 160 – 63 mm Distribution main. Water source 4 No borehole 6/14/14/5m3/hr
water shed catchment protection
Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Singila Rural Growth Centre Water Supply Scheme in Nebbi District – Nyarwodho Gravity Flow Scheme Min of Water and Environment (MoWE)

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of .08Km OD 110mm Upvc, Raw water Main and 22.95Km OD 110 – 40mm Distribution Main. Water Source Borehole.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Wadelai Rural Growth Centre Water Systems in Nebbi District – Nyarwodho Gravity Flow Scheme Min of Water and Environment (MoWE)

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of 0.4Km OD 63mm HDPE Raw water main and 23.8Km OD 110 – 40 mm Distribution Main.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design of Alwi Dry Corridor Water Systems in Nebbi District – Nyarwodho Gravity Flow Scheme Min of Water and Environment (MoWE)

Country : Uganda

Construction supervision and Engineering design of 6200m/hr water treatment plant, 4.8Km OD 280mm Upvc, Raw Water Main 83.4Km OD 280 – 90mm Transmission Main and 113.8Km OD 160 – 40mm Distribution main. water Source: River Nyarwodho Environment impact assessment and watershed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Zigoti Min of Water and Environment / African Development Bank

Country : Uganda

Engineering design of 10.6Km OD 63 -75 mm Pumping Main and 13.8Km OD 110 – 50 mm. Water Source : 2No Bore holes Total Yield 8m3/hr.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Nkoni Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branch

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 2.3 Km OD 63 & 90 mm Pumping main and 13.1 Km OD 75 – 40mm Distribution Main. Water source: 2No. Borehole 8m3/hr
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Kyamulibwa. Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branch

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 7.5 Km OD 63,90& 110mm Pumping Main and 14.3 Km OD 90 – 40 mm Distribution main. Water source is 16m3/hr & 2No. 13.5m3/hr bore holes.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Gombe Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branch

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 17.4 Km OD 200 – 160mm transmission main, 0.8 Km OD 125mm Pumping Main and 14.3 Km OD 160 – 50mm Distribution Main. Water source is Buwama Town water supply system
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Kanoni, Kifampa, Kaburasoke and Bukandula Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branch

Country : Uganda

Engineering design of 1.5Km OD 110mm Raw Water Main, 25.5Km OD 110 – 125mm Pumping Main and 36.4Km OD 160 – 50mm Distribution Main. Source of water: River Katonga.
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Feasibility study and detailed Design of Water Supply and Sanitation Systems in Central Uganda Region – Lot 2 Town of Najjembe. Divisi Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branchon2

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 1.1 Km OD 110mm Pimping Main and 6.4 Km OD 75 – 50mm Distribution main, Water source is 23m3/hr borehole
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Design and Construction Supervision of Water Supply Works in Bwaise II Parish, Kampala. Min of Water and Environment / African Development Bank/ Water and Sanitation Development Facility – Central Branch Country : Uganda National Water and Sewerage Corporation / Coca Cola Foundation / Water and Sanitation for Urban Poor (UK)

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of 14.4 Km OD 160 – 50mm Distribution main. Water Source NWSC System at Bombo – Nabweru Road Junction
Design Review and Construction Supervision of Lirima Gravity Flow Scheme in Manafwa District Min of Water and Environment / African Development Bank

Country : Uganda

Design review and construction supervision of 6,300m3/day Water Treatment plant, 1.9Km OD 200mm Raw water Main, 70.8Km OD 250 – 90 Transmission Main and 77.9Km OD 250 – 110mm Distribution main, source of water River Manafwa water shed catchment protection
Construction Supervision of Tororo Gravity Flow Scheme Min of Water and EnvironmentCountry : Uganda Construction Supervision of 6,000m3/day Water treatment Plant, 1.8Km OD 225mm Upvc, Raw water Main, 53.5Km OD 255 – 90mm Transmission Main and 3.8 Km OD 110mm & 48Km OD 75 – 32mm Distribution Main. Source of Water: River Manafwa water shed catchment protection
Proposed Kampala Water Supply
Network Rehabilitation Programme.
Update of the 2003 Feasibility Study for Kampala Water Supply
Min of Water and Environment, National Water & Sewerage Corporation and Kampala Water

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 16.7Km OD 700 – 900mm Transmission Main
Construction Supervision of Gaba Off Shore Pipeline Intake Works* Design and Construction Supervision National Water & Sewerage Corporation

Country : Uganda

Construction Supervision of 2.5Km DN 600 Raw Water Main. Works involved deep sounding of the lake for depth determination at Gaba Water treatment works
STWSP – Feasibility Sturdy, Detailed Design of Mayuge, Water Supply System. Min of Water and Environment

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 0.75Km OD 110 – 200mm Transmission Main and 32.1 Km OD 110 – 200mm Distribution Main
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
STWSP – Feasibility Sturdy, Detailed Design of Kamwenge Water Supply System Min of Water and Environment

Country : Uganda

Engineering Design of 0.5Km OD 200mm Raw Water Pumping Main, 5.6 Km OD 200mm Transmission Main and 32.95 Km OD 160 – 40mm Distribution Main. Water Source: River Mpanga
STWSP – Feasibility Sturdy, Detailed Design of Rwimi, Water Supply System. Min of Water and Environment

Country : Uganda

Engineering design of 21.0Km OD 300 – 200mm Transmission Main and 25.2Km OD 200mm Distribution Main. Water Source : River Yerya
Environmental impact assessment and water shed catchment protection
Water Supply and Sanitation Services for Kagugube Urban Poor Parish Kampala Min of Water and Environment

Country : Uganda

Design and construction supervision of 12.2Km OD 225 – 50mm Distribution Main. Water Source: NWSC service line
Feasibility Study & Design of New Valley Tanks in the District of Isigiro, Mbrarara, Lyantonde,Rakai, Mubende, Kiboga, Kumi, Apac and Kitigum Min of Agriculture and Animal Industry & Fisheries

Country : Uganda

Topographic Survey for 27 Valley Tank sites in Nine Districts and Development of O&M Manuals
Design and Construction Supervision of New Water Intake and Expansion of Water Treatment Plant East African Breweries / Uganda Breweries Ltd.

Country : Uganda

Design and construction supervision of 1.5 Km Raw water Main and survey of 2,000 m3/day water treatment Plant at Luzira
Kampala Water and Sanitation Programme- Phase I – Component I Gaba III Water treatment Works Mains* National Water and Sewerage Corporation/ KfW

Country : Uganda

Construction Supervision of 42 Km DN 900 Transmission Mains from Ggaba Water treatment plant to Muyenga Rubaga and Gun hill Water reservoirs
Kampala Urban Sanitation Project. Design Tender Documentation and Construction Supervision Kampala City Council/French Development Agency (AFD)

Country : Uganda

Design and Construction Supervision of 20.1Km OD 90 -40mm Distribution Main. Water Source NWSC System at various locations around Kampala City